就医准备 入院指南
1.入院办理 / Admission Procedure
入院需要由门诊医生开具入院证明后,统一在入院处办理入住登记 Admission needs to be registered at the admission office after the outpatient doctor issues the admission certificate.
2. 留院期间/ During Your Stay
入院后,我们的医生和护士会要求您及时签署入院告知书,入院委托书,费用告知书等医疗文件。 According to hospital request, you need sign the medical notices,cost notices and other medical documents in time.
在院期间我们会为您提供衣物、拖鞋、个人卫生用品和浴巾,如您愿意,也可自备。 Hospital clothes, slippers, personal toiletries and bath towels are provided but you may wish to bring you own.
请不要携带过多的现金与贵重物品。如您入院时随身带有此类物品,家属带回或存放在病房保险箱内。保险箱使用方法可咨询护士。 Please do not bring excessive cash or valuables. If you have these items with you during admission, please ask your family to bring it back or store it in the ward treasure box. Please consult the nurse for the use method.
3. 身份识别腕带 / ldentification wristband
我们的工作人员将为您佩戴印有您姓名、生日等信息的腕带。住院期间请勿取下。 An identification wristband with your name. DOB will be given to you. Please wear it at all times while you are in the hospital.
如您需要商开病房,请告知我们您的去向,并征得病房医师的同意,签署请假条。 When you need to leave the ward,please ask the doctor and nurse for permission and sign the leave form.
4. 卫生间 / Restroom
请协助保持卫生间的干燥和清洁。这将有助于减少院内传染性疾病。 Help us to keep the restrooms dry and clean. This will reduce the spread of infectious diseases within the hospital.
我们可以提供马桶助力架或者马桶增高器,如有需要,请联系病区护士站。 Please contact the ward nurse station.if you need toilet booster frame or toilet hooster.
卫生间内有紧急呼叫按钮,如有需要,请及时呼叫。 There is an emergency call button in the bathroom, Please call in time if necessary.
5. 用餐/ Your Meals
您可以每日在我们的中餐、西餐、素食菜单内点餐。确认您所选择的餐食。 You may select from our Chinese. Western and Vegetarian menus daily. Our canteen staff will check with you on your choice of diet daily.
我们的营养师和厨师保证您将获得营养均衡丰富的餐食。 Our dietitians and Chef will ensure that you receive a balanced and nutritious diet.
对于有特殊需求的思者,我们特给予营养师建议的个体化治疗饮食。 For patients with specific needs, we also prepare personal therapeutic diets as advised by the dietitians.
为了患者的卫生安全,我们不提倡住院期间在病区内食用非本院提供的外带餐食。 For the patients' health and safety, it is not recommended to consume food not prepared by us during your stay here.
6. 安全指导 / Safety Guide
为了您留院期间的安全和舒适,请注意以下内容: For a safe and comfortable stay, please observe the following:
由于大多数家具安装有轮子,所以当您感到虚弱或站应不稳时请不要依靠在家具上。 Do not use the furniture as support if you feel weak or unsteady. Most of the furniture are onwheels and will not provide the necessary stability.
请勿在无人协助的情况下使用轮椅。 Do not get in and out of a wheelchair without assistance.
如您的床栏处于升起状态或医生让您卧床休息,请不要自己起床。如需起床请呼叫。 If you are nursed with bed rails up or instructed to be on bed rest by your doctor, please do not get up on your own. Please call for assistance.
住院期间只服用我们的护士发放的药物。发放后请即刻服用。 Take only medications given to you by our nurses, and take them promptly when served.
自备用药请及时告知我们的住院医师进行评估,医生将记录在住院病历上。 Please inform the doctor your own medicine, Doctor need review and record.
在发药期间,护士需要保证发放正确的药物,请不要在此期间打扰发药护士。如您需要,可寻求其他护士的帮助。 We respectfully ask your cooperation during medication administration and seek help from other nurses if you need any assistance.
7.护士呼叫系统/ Nurses Call System
在您住院期间照顾您是我们的责任。当您需要帮助的时候请使用呼叫系统通知我们。 Caring for you during your stay here is our responsibility. Please make use of the call system to alert us should you require assistance.
呼叫铃置于床旁,需要帮助时请按下红色按钮。 The call bell can be found at the beside. Press the red button to call for assistance.
当您在卫生间时,轻轻拉下红色绳子即可呼叫帮助。 When you are in the restroom, pull the red cord lightly to call for assistance.
8.疼痛管理/Pain Management
疼痛可能对所有人产生影响。它可以被感知,被描述,被测量,被治疗。 Pain affects all individuals.It can be felt,described,measured and treated.
当您感觉到疼痛时,请在它变得不能忍受之前告知我们的医生和护士。控制轻度疼痛不再加重比减轻严重的疼痛要容易很多。 Please inform our doctors or nurses when vou are in pain. before it becomes unbearable. It is easier to prevent a small amount of pain from increasing, rather than to reduce pain that has reached a severe stage.
9. 预防院内跌倒 / Preventing Falls in the Hospital
每年有三分之一65 岁以上的老年人经历过跌倒。跌倒风险随年龄增长而增加。预防跌倒很重要的一点是避免将你们自身置于可能具有跌倒风险的场景。 Each year, about one third of the elderly above 65 years old experience a fall. The risk of falls increases as one ages. It is important to avoid situations which can put you at risk a fall.
需要时请允许护士在您身边。 Allow the nurse to be by your side when necessary.